V soboto, 13. 12. 2014, sta prostovoljki Nina Žalec in Maja Benčan iz 9.a obiskali Katjo Zalar v Begunjah pri Cerknici. Izročili sta ji donacijo naše in podružnične šole za pomoč pri nakupu stopniščnega vzpenjalca. Družina se vsem, ki so sodelovali v akciji, lepo...

How ice cream is made

Ice cream is known as a popular dessert, especially for kids. The ingredients needed for making ice cream base are: full fat cream, milk, sugar and vanilla extract. When all the ingredients are prepared they are mixed in. When the base is really smooth it’s heated in...

A week at ‘CŠOD’

Last week we went to “CŠOD Radenci”. Our journey started in Rakek all the way to Radenci. On the bus we had a great time, we told a lot of jokes, we talked about a lot of things. The bus wasn’t a great experience for all of us because the road was exhausting and some...

A journal of a journey

I’d like to tell you a bit about my journey to Mexico City. It was April this year, when I was getting interested in Mexico. I’ve obviously heard of it before, but it never really caught my attention. Before planning anything I wanted to know more about this country....

24. december…Novoletni vrtiljak

V sredo se boste vsi učenci matične šole zavrteli na Novoletnem vrtiljaku. Potrebujete samo copate in dobro voljo. Vrtenje se prične z žrebom v jedilnici ob 8.20 in konča ob 12.30 prav tako v jedilnici. Takrat vaš čakata samo še kosilo in pot domov. Avtobusa bosta...