V ponedeljek, 6. oktobra, nas je obiskal Eric Dolliver, športni pedagog in trener košarke, ter se nam pridružil pri pouku športa in angleščine. Predstavil nam je Kanado in nekaj novih igric, ki so jih učenci z veseljem sprejeli. V zbornici pa je nam, učiteljem, ponudil vplogled v delo in obveznosti učiteljev v Kanadi.
On Monday, October 6th, we had a visitor form Canada. His name is Eric Dolliver and he is Physical Education teacher, athletics director and a basketball coach at a high school in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. He told us some facts about Canada and he showed us a new game, which the students seemed to like very much. In the teacher’s lounge he gave us some very interesting information about the work and obligations of the teachers in Canada.
Thank you, Eric:)